
We invite you to visit countries located beyond Russia. Historically majority of these countries were previously part of the Russian Empire and then part of the USSR. Now they are still closely connected with Russia economically and culturally. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are located on the Baltic See coast. These countries have great historical and cultural ties with Sweden, Denmark, Poland, and Germany. Even being part of the Russian Empire and the USSR they always stood out for their Western flavor.

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Yerevan is the capital of Armenia. In 782 B.C. Urartu king Argistis founded the fortress and the town of Yerebuni. Now Yerebuni, historical center of Yerevan, its Old Town, actual open-air museum famous for numerous palaces, temples and other hisorical monuments, actual open-air museum. Not with standing dramatic history of Armenian people Yerevan is a modern city with a blend of contemporary and ancient architecture, major economic and cultural center of Armenia.

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The Baltic song and dance festivals are national holidays of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The festivals are held every five years (in Lithuania every fourth year): in Estonia since 1869, in Latvia since 1873, in Lithuania since 1924. The total number of particpants is estimated in the tens of thousands. The best folk groups selected in their regions come to the capital for the holiday. During several holiday days at the end of June early July various festive events take place in Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius covering streets, squares and parks. Three Baltic song and dance festivals were included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List in 2008.

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Souvenirs & insider tips

Amber is very popular in all Baltic states, especially in Lithuania. Here it is called «Lithuanian gold». It is the main Lithuanian souvenir. Every Lithuanian city has stores selling amber. Each of such stores might be visited just as a museum were you can admire a variety of amber products made by local craftsmen.

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