Souvenirs & insider tips
The best souvenirs from all regions of the Russian Far East is authentic handicrafts of wood, birch, semi-precious stones and fur, skin and bones of reindeer and marine animals made by representatives of local aboriginal peoples but articles manufactured at local undertakings are also good). Your guide will suggest you the best places where you can purchase original, natural and qualitative local souvenirs.
Figurines of local deities made of traditional for Kamchatka aboriginals materials are very good authentic souvenirs. The most popular characters for such production in Kamchatka are Kutkh (spirit of Raven honoured by indigenous peoples of the Russian Far East and of the north-east part of North America as the creator of the Earth and the progenitor of the Mankind), Peliken (funny idol, traditional talisman of Chukchi, Koryaks, Eskimos) and Khantai (fish deity of Itelmens: half fish, half man). Such figurines might be made of different traditional for the Far East materials: fish, seal or reindeer skin beaded, fur, birch bark, wood (soft wood of the Kamchatka alder Alnus kamtschatica is the very popular local ornamental material), fish or sea animal bone.
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